I’m writing a book called ~ Authenticity is the “New” Spirituality ~ and I wanted to start sharing some of it with all of you beautiful souls…
Today’s Lesson is about standing up for our Inner Child…giving them voice and creating a safe place within ourselves for them to be magickal and sparkly.
We earn back their trust by standing up to all the disempowering domestications and beliefs that have all but silenced their brilliance…
By indulging in a “Spirit of Play” with them each day we can begin to connect back to our own innocence, wisdom and magicak.
Our inner child holds the keys to our Divinity…but don’t expect them to hand those keys over right away..it takes time, trust, integrity and above all LOVE. Our inner child is here to show us how to unconditionally fall back in love with ourselves again…
So first we need to clean house…Begin by asking your inner child who they think the “shit monsters” are…(it’s ok if you get *served* too “poo poo” pants ) it can be people, places, things, beliefs, roles, fears, domestications…anything that’s been disempowering for them (and you). Next, write them all down on pieces of toilet paper and allow your inner child to flush those mean old “shit monsters” down the toilet…watch your inner child giggle and laugh…be playful, silly and creative with them…you’ll be amazed at how healing this ceremony can be for the both of you.
Now, ask your inner child 3 things that you can do to give them voice today… invite them out of that dark, stuffy, adult closet of yours and listen deeply to them…(Tip: they speak through your heart) Then commit to honoring the 3 things they’ve suggested to you…NO MATTER how silly or outrageous it may seem.
My inner child’s name is Cason Jook and his best friend is Timothy Toad. He has a stuffy named Timothy Turtle and Little Donald and he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES chocolate ANYTHING!
Now it’s your turn…Does your inner child have a nickname, favorite toy, pet, best friend, favorite food…?
Cason Jook’s excited and waiting to meet them…
One <3